Sunnwell’s Sonnenland

Switzerland’s solar radiation potential by land types


Nils Ratnaweera


The Sunwell group utilized solar radiation modeling to estimate the potential solar energy (measured in Kilowatt hours per square meter) across Switzerland at a 25m resolution. The objective of this study is to determine the solar potential for different land use categories, including (1) agricultural areas, (2) standing water, and (3) areas adjacent to national roads. Each of these three categories is further divided into subcategories, which will be elaborated on below.

This report presents a detailed overview of the entire processing pipeline and showcases the findings. It is composed using quarto, which integrates code into the document. However, the document was constructed using cached outputs rather than performing intensive computations.

Libraries used for data processing
Libraries, functions and options used for this report

# experimental: dont print the "[" and "]" sorrounding the units
units_options("group" = c("",""))
print_with_units <- function(input, output_unit = NULL, digits = 2, big.mark = "'", sep = " ", scientific = FALSE, ...){
    output_unit <- units(input)
  val <- set_units(input, output_unit,mode = "standard")
    val <- round(val, digits = digits)
  capture.output(print(val, digits = 1, scientific = scientific, big.mark = big.mark))

  # paste(
  #   formatC(as.numeric(val),digits = digits, format = format,big.mark = big.mark),
  #   units::deparse_unit(val),
  #   sep = sep)

mykable <- function(df, linesep = "<br>"){
  colnames_old <- df |> 
    colnames() |> 
    str_replace_all("_", " ") |> 
  col_units <- purrr::map(df, \(y) tryCatch(as.character(units(y)),error = \(x)""))
  colnames_new <- paste0(colnames_old, linesep, col_units)
  df |> 
    drop_units() |> 
    kableExtra::kable(col.names = colnames_new, escape = FALSE)
Custom functions used for data processing
# extract values from a raster file, which has units
extract_with_units <- function(rasterfile, vector, output_unit = NULL, fun = "mean"){
  input_unit <- units(rasterfile)
  stopifnot(input_unit != "")
    output_unit <- input_unit
  vector_vect <- vect(vector)
  extracted <- terra::extract(rasterfile,vector_vect,fun = fun)[,2]
  extracted |>
    units::set_units(input_unit,mode = "standard") |>
    set_units(output_unit,mode = "standard")

global_with_units <- function(raster, fun = "mean", na.rm = TRUE, output_unit = NULL){
  input_unit <- units(raster)
  stopifnot(input_unit != "")
    output_unit <- input_unit
  res <- global(raster, fun, na.rm = na.rm)
  res <- res[,1]
  units(res) <- input_unit
  set_units(res, output_unit,mode = "standard")

Data description

The data for this analysis was mostly gathered by the Sunwell group. The core of the analysis is the raster data mentioned above and described in more detail below. add more information

Table 1 is a listing of all the datasets used in this analysis. This data is provided by Sunwell and is described in more detail here.

Table 1: Datasets used as inputs for the analysis
Dataset Provider Data Type Filename(s)
Winter Production (30 Degree tilt) Sunnwell Raster (Geotiff), 25m Resolution, W/m2 tilt_30_winter.tif
Summer Production (30 Degree tilt) Sunnwell Raster (Geotiff), 25m Resolution, W/m2 tilt_30_summer.tif
Standing Water swisstopo Polygon data (shapefile) OBJEKTART_Stehende Gewaesser.shp
Dams swisstopo Polygon data (shapefile) OBJEKTART_Staumauer.shp
Farm Land Cantons (provided via Polygon data (shapefile) perimeter_ln_sf.shp; lwb_perimeter_ln_sf_lv95.gpkg
Roads swisstopo Line data (shapefile) swissTLM3D_TLM_STRASSE.shp

Data preprocessing

Before processing the datasets described in Table 1, some preprocessing steps were taken. These steps were done using the command line tools gdal and ogr2ogr and are documented below.

Preprocessing invoved the following steps:

  • Converting the shapefiles to Geopackage or Parquet format
  • Merging files together (e.g. Standing Water was split into 2 files, OST and WEST)
  • Reprojecting the data to the Swiss coordinate system (EPSG:2056)
Data preprocessing (
# Reporject rasterdata to EPSG 2056
gdalwarp -t_srs EPSG:2056 -tr 25 25 -overwrite $DIR/tilt_30_summer.tif $DIR/tilt_30_summer_2056.tif
gdalwarp -t_srs EPSG:2056 -tr 25 25 -overwrite $DIR/tilt_30_winter.tif $DIR/tilt_30_winter_2056.tif

# Merge the two vector datasets into one single geopackage
ogr2ogr $DIR2/stehende_gewaesser_merged.gpkg $DIR2/"OST/OBJEKTART_Stehende Gewaesser.shp" -nln stehende_gewaesser
ogr2ogr $DIR2/stehende_gewaesser_merged.gpkg $DIR2/"WEST/OBJEKTART_Stehende Gewaesser.shp" -nln stehende_gewaesser -append
ogr2ogr $DIR2/stehende_gewaesser_merged.parquet $DIR2/stehende_gewaesser_merged.gpkg

# convert swissboundaries into a geopackage
ogr2ogr data/swissBOUNDARIES3D_1_4_LV95_LN02.gpkg \

# DIR4=data/Dataset_SONNENLAND/Classification/Agricultural/Farming_most_cantons/shapefiles/lwb_perimeter_ln_sf
# ogr2ogr $DIR4/perimeter_ln_sf.parquet $DIR4/perimeter_ln_sf.shp
# DIR5=data/Dataset_SONNENLAND/Classification/Agricultural/farming_ar_nw_ow_vd/geopackage
# ogr2ogr $DIR5/lwb_perimeter_ln_sf_lv95.parquet $DIR5/lwb_perimeter_ln_sf_lv95.gpkg

ogr2ogr $dir_roads/swissTLM3D_TLM_STRASSE.parquet $dir_roads/swissTLM3D_TLM_STRASSE.shp

Data Analysis

Data processing (data-processing.R)
## File paths ##################################################################

summer_path <- "data/Dataset_SONNENLAND/Radiation/tilt_30_summer_2056.tif"
swissboundaries_path <- "data/swissboundaries3d_2023-01_2056_5728.gdb/swissBOUNDARIES3D_1_4_LV95_LN02.gpkg"
stehende_gewaesser_path <- "data/Dataset_SONNENLAND/Classification/Standing_Water/stehende_gewaesser_merged.parquet"
staumauer_path <- "data/Dataset_SONNENLAND/Classification/DAMS/OBJEKTART_Staumauer.shp"
roads_path <- "data/Dataset_SONNENLAND/Classification/ROADS/swissTLM3D_TLM_STRASSE.parquet"

## Switzerland's borders #######################################################

schweiz <- st_read(swissboundaries_path, "TLM_LANDESGEBIET") |> 
  st_zm() |> 
  filter(NAME != "Liechtenstein") |> 
  st_union() |> 

st_geometry(schweiz) <- "geom"


cantons <- st_read(swissboundaries_path, "TLM_KANTONSGEBIET") |> 
  st_zm() |> 
  group_by(NAME) |> 

canton_names <- read_csv("data/cantons.csv") |> arrange(canton_long)
# test
# anti_join(cantons, canton_names, by = c("NAME" = "canton_long"))
cantons <- left_join(cantons, canton_names, by = c("NAME" = "canton_long"))

## Solar potential raster ######################################################

summer_rast <- rast(summer_path)
units(summer_rast) <- "W*h/m^2"

# !time!
summer_ch <- crop(summer_rast, vect(schweiz))
summer_ch <- mask(summer_ch, vect(schweiz),filename = "data-intermediate/summer-ch.tif", overwrite = TRUE)  
units(summer_ch) <- "W*h/m^2"

# !time!
schweiz$radiation_mean <- global_with_units(summer_ch)
schweiz$area <- st_area(schweiz)
schweiz$radiation_total <- schweiz$radiation_mean*schweiz$area

save(schweiz, file = "data-intermediate/schweiz.Rda")

## Standing Water ##############################################################

stehende_gewaesser <- sfarrow::st_read_parquet(stehende_gewaesser_path) |> 
  st_zm() |> 

staumauern <- st_read("data/Dataset_SONNENLAND/Classification/DAMS/OBJEKTART_Staumauer.shp")

# I had initially thought that we would have select lakes within a distance to 
# "staumauern" and so introduce a bit of tolerance. It turns out however, that all
# "staumauern" actually intersect the "stauseen" they are closest to, so the distance is
# usually 0. They usually touch (but not always),  but they always intersect.

# !time!
stehende_gewaesser <- st_join(stehende_gewaesser, transmute(staumauern, staumauer = row_number()))

# !time!
stehende_gewaesser$radiation_mean <- extract_with_units(summer_ch, stehende_gewaesser)
stehende_gewaesser$area <- st_area(stehende_gewaesser)

stehende_gewaesser$radiation_total <- stehende_gewaesser$radiation_mean * stehende_gewaesser$area

stehende_gewaesser <- select(stehende_gewaesser, radiation_mean, area, radiation_total,staumauer)

save(stehende_gewaesser, file = "data-intermediate/stehende_gewaesser.Rda")

## Agriculture #################################################################

## Roads  ######################################################################
Load cached results from data-processing.R
area_ch <- print_with_units(schweiz$area, "km^2",digits = 0)
radiation_ch_frac <- schweiz$radiation_total*0.5*0.2
radiation_total_str <- print_with_units(schweiz$radiation_total, "TW*h")
radiation_ch_frac_str <- print_with_units(radiation_ch_frac, output_unit = "TW*h",digits = 0)

This passage presents an analysis of the solar energy potential in Switzerland during the summer season. The total radiation during this period across the entire country, which has an area of 41’301 km^2, is estimated to be 27’448 h*TW during the summer months. However, not all of this radiation can be harnessed by solar panels, as the type of panel used affects the amount of radiation that is captured. In this study, the fraction of radiation that falls onto a solar panel is assumed to be 0.5, or 50%, based on the global capture rate (GCR).

Additionally, solar panels have an efficiency rate that determines how much of the captured radiation can be converted into usable energy. In this study, the efficiency rate is assumed to be 0.2, or 20%, meaning that only 20% of the solar radiation captured by the panel can be converted into electricity.

Using these assumptions, the energy potential for a given area can be calculated using the following formula:

\[E_{pot} = \text{Radiation} \times 0.5 \times 0.2\]

Thus, for the entire country of Switzerland, the energy potential during the summer season is estimated to be 2’745 h*TW.

Standing water

Load cached results from data-processing.R

stehende_gewaesser_summer_total <- sum(stehende_gewaesser$radiation_total, na.rm = TRUE)

stehende_gewaesser_summer_frac <- stehende_gewaesser_summer_total*0.5*0.2

stehende_gewaesser_summer_frac_str <- print_with_units(stehende_gewaesser_summer_frac, "TW*h")

percent_pretty <- \(x, digits = 2, append = "%", sep = " ") paste(formatC(as.numeric(x),format = "f",digits = digits), append, sep = sep)

gewaesser_percent <- percent_pretty(stehende_gewaesser_summer_frac/radiation_ch_frac*100)

The energy potential for standing water, which takes into account both the GCR and efficiency rate, is estimated to be 55 h*TW. This potential represents approximately 1.99 % of the overall solar potential in Switzerland.

It is important to differentiate between two types of standing water: artificial bodies of water primarily utilized for power production and natural bodies of water. The former category has distinct characteristics that make it an attractive location for solar power generation. (be more specific here) To categorize standing water, the dataset “Staumauer” (hearafter referred to as “dams”) was used as a reference. All standing waters that intersect a dam are classified as artificial reservoirs. In contrast, all standing waters that do not intersect a dam are considered natural.

stehende_gewaesser_by_type <- stehende_gewaesser |> 
  st_drop_geometry() |> 
  group_by(Type = ifelse(,"Natural","Reservoir")) |> 
    radiation_total = set_units(sum(radiation_total, na.rm = TRUE), GW*h),
  ) |> 
    Radiation_corrected = radiation_total*0.5*0.2,
    Prop_of_national = set_units(Radiation_corrected/radiation_ch_frac, "%")

Radiation Total
Radiation Corrected
Prop Of National
Natural 488923.38 48892.338 1.7812798
Reservoir 57024.67 5702.467 0.2077562


The agricultural areas of Switzerland are stored in two vector datasets. Currently, there the data of two cantons are missing, TI and AR (see #8). To calculate the potential power production in these areas, the vector datasets were first rasterized with the same extent and cell size as the dataset Summer Production (see Table 1), with a fixed value of 1. Then, the two rasters werde multiplied, thus generating a new raster with solar radiation values only in agricultural areas. The mean value of this new raster was multiplied by the summed area of all polygons. These steps was then repeated for just the subset Regular Farmland and Summer Grazing Land, respectively.

Data processing


# working with multiple values does not seem to work
#te=$(gdalinfo $rasterdir/tilt_30_summer_2056.tif -json | jq -r '.cornerCoordinates | " " + (.upperLeft[0]|tostring) + " " + (.lowerLeft[1]|tostring) + " " + (.lowerRight[0]|tostring) + " " + (.upperRight[1]|tostring)')
#tr=$(gdalinfo $rasterdir/tilt_30_summer_2056.tif | grep "Pixel Size" | cut -d'(' -f2 | cut -d')' -f1 | awk -F',' '{printf("%1.0f %1.0f\n", $1, $2)}')
xmin=$(gdalinfo $raster -json | jq -r .cornerCoordinates | jq -r ".lowerLeft[0]")
ymin=$(gdalinfo $raster -json | jq -r .cornerCoordinates | jq -r ".lowerLeft[1]")
xmax=$(gdalinfo $raster -json | jq -r .cornerCoordinates | jq -r ".upperRight[0]")
ymax=$(gdalinfo $raster -json | jq -r .cornerCoordinates | jq -r ".upperRight[1]")

xres=$(gdalinfo $raster | grep "Pixel Size" | cut -d'(' -f2 | cut -d')' -f1 | awk -F',' '{print $1}')
yres=$(gdalinfo $raster | grep "Pixel Size" | cut -d'(' -f2 | cut -d')' -f1 | awk -F',' '{print $2}')

## Agriculture #################################################################


# for the full datasets
description="all values"
gdal_rasterize -burn 1 -ot Byte -co COMPRESS=DEFLATE -te $xmin $ymin $xmax $ymax -tr $xres $xres $lwb $temprast1
gdal_rasterize -burn 1 $lwb2 $temprast1 -A $raster -B $temprast1 --outfile=$temprast2 --calc="A*B"
echo $description", " $(gdalinfo -stats $temprast2 | grep STATISTICS_MEAN | awk -F= '{print $2}') > $tempdir/summer_perimeter_ln_sf_mean.txt

# for the individual datasets
description="Landwirtschaftliche Nutzfläche"
sql="SELECT * FROM perimeter_ln_sf WHERE "typ" = 'Landwirtschaftliche Nutzfläche'"
# the following lines are pretty identical to the above. Differenes:
# - the sql statement
# - the output is appended to the existing file
gdal_rasterize -sql $sql -burn 1 -ot Byte -co COMPRESS=DEFLATE -te $xmin $ymin $xmax $ymax -tr $xres $xres $lwb $temprast1
gdal_rasterize -sql $sql -burn 1 $lwb2 $temprast1 -A $raster -B $temprast1 --outfile=$temprast2 --calc="A*B"
echo $description", " $(gdalinfo -stats $temprast2 | grep STATISTICS_MEAN | awk -F= '{print $2}') >> $tempdir/summer_perimeter_ln_sf_mean.txt

sql="SELECT * FROM perimeter_ln_sf WHERE "typ" = 'Sömmerungsgebiet'"
# the following lines are identical to the above. 
gdal_rasterize -sql $sql -burn 1 -ot Byte -co COMPRESS=DEFLATE -te $xmin $ymin $xmax $ymax -tr $xres $xres $lwb $temprast1
gdal_rasterize -sql $sql -burn 1 $lwb2 $temprast1 -A $raster -B $temprast1 --outfile=$temprast2 --calc="A*B"
echo $description", " $(gdalinfo -stats $temprast2 | grep STATISTICS_MEAN | awk -F= '{print $2}') >> $tempdir/summer_perimeter_ln_sf_mean.txt

# this is for both datasts and subsets
ogr2ogr -dialect sqlite -sql "SELECT typ, SUM(flaeche_m2) as flaeche_m2, 'lwb1' as file FROM perimeter_ln_sf GROUP BY typ " $tempdir/lwb1_summary.csv $lwb
ogr2ogr -dialect sqlite -sql "SELECT typ, SUM(flaeche_m2) as flaeche_m2, 'lwb2' as file FROM perimeter_ln_sf GROUP BY typ " $tempdir/lwb2_summary.csv $lwb2

## Roads #######################################################################

sql="SELECT buff.geom, ST_AREA(buff.geom) as area_m2 FROM (SELECT ST_UNION(ST_BUFFER(geometry, 10)) as geom FROM swissTLM3D_TLM_STRASSE WHERE EIGENTUEME = 'Bund') buff"

ogr2ogr -dialect sqlite -sql $sql $tempgpkg $roads -nln roads_bund
gdal_rasterize -burn 1 -ot Byte -co COMPRESS=DEFLATE -te $xmin $ymin $xmax $ymax -tr $xres $xres $tempgpkg $temprast1 -A $raster -B $temprast1 --outfile=$temprast2 --calc="A*B"

echo $description", " $(gdalinfo -stats $temprast2 | grep STATISTICS_MEAN | awk -F= '{print $2}') > $tempdir/summer_road_mean.txt
ogr2ogr $tempgpkg.csv $tempgpkg 
Load cached results from
summer_perimeter_ln_sf <- read_csv("data-intermediate/summer_perimeter_ln_sf_mean.txt",c("dataset","mean_value"))

units(summer_perimeter_ln_sf$mean_value) <- "W*h/m^2"

lwb_summary <- read_csv(list.files("data-intermediate", pattern = "lwb\\d_summary.csv",full.names = TRUE)) |> group_by(typ) |> 
  summarise(flaeche_m2 = sum(flaeche_m2))

lwb_summary2 <- lwb_summary |> 
  ungroup() |> 
  summarise(typ = "all values", flaeche_m2 = sum(flaeche_m2)) |> 

units(lwb_summary2$flaeche_m2) <- "m^2"

summer_perimeter_ln_sf2 <- left_join(summer_perimeter_ln_sf, lwb_summary2, by = c(dataset = "typ")) |> 
    radiation = mean_value * flaeche_m2,
    radiation_corrected = radiation * 0.5 * 0.2

summer_perimeter_ln_sf2 |> 
    Categroy = dataset, 
    Area = set_units(flaeche_m2, km^2), 
    Radiation = set_units(radiation, TW*h), 
    Radiation_corrected = set_units(radiation_corrected, TW*h)
    ) |> 
Radiation Corrected
all values 16207.954 1174.5602 117.45602
Landwirtschaftliche Nutzfläche 11057.022 105.6962 10.56962
Sömmerungsgebiet 5150.932 121.9738 12.19738


From the SwissTLM roads dataset, all roads belonging to FEDRO were buffered with a distance of 10m. The result was rasterized and the mean solar radiation of all cells was calculated. With this mean value and the surface area of the buffered roads, the solar potential was calculated.

Load cached results from
roads_buffered_area <- read_csv("data-intermediate/roads_bund.gpkg.csv",col_select = "area_m2")
roads_buffered_mean <- read_csv("data-intermediate/summer_road_mean.txt",col_names = c("dataset","mean_value"))
roads_buffered <- cbind(roads_buffered_area, roads_buffered_mean)
units(roads_buffered$area_m2) <- "m2"
units(roads_buffered$mean_value) <- "W*h/m^2"
roads_potential <- set_units(roads_buffered$area_m2*roads_buffered$mean_value, GW*h)
roads_potential_corrected <- roads_potential*0.5*0.2

The solar potential alongside roads is 20 GWh. Taking efficiency and GWR into consideration, the corrected solar potential alongside roads is 2 GWh.